
Exhibition Opening dates/ times Gallery Address
Day of the open work­shop “Artists of lower Saaletal” November 18/19 2023 Participating artists of lower Saaletal Atelier Kirsch
Auf dem Berg 24
06347 Gerbstedt OT Friedeburg
“Ways in wood and colours” October 17 to November 22 2015 Galerie im Herrenhaus Rothenbuirger Str. 5  06193 Wettin-Löbejün OT  Dobis
Art mar­ket at Christmas December 5/6 2015
11:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Schlosskirche Seeburg Schlosskirche Seeburg
in Seeburg am Süßen See
Day of the open work­shop of BVbK Sachsen-Anhalt September 16/17 2023 11.00 bis 18.00 Uhr  Atelier Kirsch Atelier Kirsch
Auf dem Berg 24
06347 Gerbstedt OT Friedeburg

But may­be it’s the way out of the pre­scri­bed or pre-cal­cu­la­ted path, out of our squa­red move­ments whe­re we go to work ear­ly and queue in con­sump­ti­on in the evening, always doing the same bet­ween the sul­phu­rous sky and the cries of the tram. “Swan tree”, “Green man with bridal train”, “Blue ele­phant” or “Solo for Pierrot”: tho­se images and figu­res, which are made of memo­ries and lon­gings and of some­thing that is so hard to descri­be, some­thing that in a stran­ge way resem­bles tho­se trans­pa­rent, fra­gi­le shapes, stand on the edge as tears or dew­drops, crea­ting a sound that is very bright, very high and very affec­tio­na­te…

Armin Müller

Speech at exhi­bi­ti­on ope­ning in 1986